Friday, October 9, 2015

first news

journal 24


The( US) will no longer vet every individual recruit but just the leaders of the groups they decide to work with, who will face very vigorous vetting.

Of the initial two groups sent into the country under the previous programme, the first was rounded up by Jabhat al-Nusra, an offshoot of al-Qaeda, in July. The second handed much of its equipment over to the same group in September, reportedly in exchange for safe passage.

Quoting an anonymous US Department of Defense source, the JOURNAL24 that the US would no longer recruit Syrian rebels to go through its training programmes in Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates etc.

Instead, it would establish a smaller training centre in Turkey, where "enablers" - mostly leaders of opposition groups - would be taught operational manoeuvres like how to call in airstrikes, the newspaper said.

 The US is to end its efforts to train new Syrian rebel forces and says it will shift to providing equipment and weapons to existing forces.

A senior administration official said the programme was being put on "pause"

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